What do we offer:

  • High visibility and sponsoring of AnticoAntico in the major magazines and search engines


We have reached and exceeded the sum of 2.000 targeted visits per day

Being present on AnticoAntico

is like exposing in a prestigious permanent exhibition


  • Cost / Performance relation: by spending just a small amount you will assure yourself a promotional campaign superior to your investment


  • Absolute simplicity and rapidity in managing your objects

You can easily update your site in real time with any computer connected to the internet.


  • Automated file of requests advising the potential buyers when you are adding an object of their target.


In synthesis: the most profitable system to do business !


Frequently asked questions  (FAQ)                                                                                                                                                                    


  • I already have my own website, but I do not obtain the desired results!


We are not surprised!



A website without any advertising and which is not present on a qualified web portal cannot give positive results.

AnticoAntico is a highly visited portal of antiques in Italy and worldwide. All the objects are classified by categories: the research is thus very simple and immediate. The potential buyer will become aware of your site.


  • I do neither have a website nor a computer.


AnticoAntico will overcome this problem as well.


We can offer you a complete assistance: included in the membership fee we will supply you a modern website ( your personal virtual shop ) where your objects will be exposed.


·        Posso gestire in modo autonomo il mio sito su AnticoAntico ?

  • Can I manage autonomously my website on AnticoAntico?


Absolutely yes!


    Do you have any further doubts?


Talk with one of your colleagues who already has chosen AnticoAntico:if he is a true friend as well he can only encourage you to subscribe !!!





Listino prezzi AnticoAntico


Standard package

Annual fee € 600 + VAT (if applicable)

The price includes:

Insertion on the AnticoAntico portal of 500 objects per year (with a maximum of 150 objects at the same time)





a – We consider that the use of the services of www.anticoantico.com implies the implicit acceptance of these conditions.


awww.anticoantico.com connects the private and professional of the Art and Antiques sector who is offering or searching for goods by the use of the appropriate portal www.anticoantico.com for that purpose. The purchase contracts concluded between the Users are negotiated and concluded privately. Never in any case www.anticoantico.com interferes in the formation, conclusion or execution of the contracts signed by the Users. www.anticoantico.com does not offer any support for the negotiations, nor takes part or assumes any responsibility in that sense and does not receive any mandate from the seller to conclude any contract in his name. 


b – If the registered User has made himself responsible for a serious failure regarding the present General Conditions of the service, www.anticoantico.com reserves the right to suspend or to close the User’s Account and to refuse the access to the entire or to a part of the services of www.anticoantico.com in the future without any penalty and through communication by email to the User’s address with immediate effect from the first day following that notice.
www.anticoantico.com can in any case consider the relation with the User solved legally by interrupting the service. This right is extended to the unchallengeable decision of www.anticoantico.com if an incorrect use of the service by the User should be recognized.




Only Users being professionals of the Art and Antiques sector and with the legal capacity of subscribing a valid contract can subscribe by registering to the services offered by www.anticoantico.com

a – The User must fill in the registration form to get access to the services offered by www.anticoantico.com

 b – After having completed the registration procedure the User will get to own a personal access (Account) by an anonymous identification (pseudonym) and a keyword (password). All offers carried out by the User on this site have to be made through this Account.

c – The sole function of the Account assigned to the User is the permission for the exposition of Art and Antiques objects in a virtual showcase aimed for the sale.

d – The keyword (password) is strictly personal and confidential. The User commits himself not to disclose the keyword for any reason. The User will be held responsible for any action and behavior in contrast to the applicable laws or to the present General Conditions carried out by all third parties using the personal account on his behalf. The user commits himself to report as quickly as possible any abuse of his account, his username or his password by third parties. The User will commit himself to report immediately to www.anticoantico.com the theft or loss of the password in a written way. The User must change the password as quick as possible in case of theft and loss of the password. The User is responsible for the contents he adds to the web attributable to him by virtue of the identity code and password.




a – Any exposure of a good on the site of www.anticoantico.com is subject to the present General Conditions and the User as the seller is and will remain the sole responsible of any information and, in a wider sense, of any contents added to the site.

b – www.anticoantico.com reserves as well the faculty of surveillance of the exhibition spaces granted to the User for the sale of the objects, intervening on the same if, at its sole discretion, the exposed objects or the presentation modes should not be in correspondence with the appropriate quality standards, or if they should harm the proper rights or those of third parties. It is anyway expressly forbidden to place:

  • objects of doubtful or illegal provenance
  • counterfeit objects in violation of national and international standards for the protection of industrial and intellectual property;
  • any object whose sale is prohibited by law.

The exposed objects will have to follow the high quality standards according to the categories of the portal (Antiques, Art and Modern Antiques).

c – The User is committed to indemnify and exclude www.anticoantico.com from any responsibility, loss, claim, damage or expenses, including legal ones, claimed by third parties or by other Users for transactions made by himself or by third parties, even without his knowledge.
d –The User commits himself not to insert any information regarding the goods that are not aimed to selling.




a – The User guarantees that any of his activities and any employed or available material on the leased area are not against the Law and do not harm the rights of third parties.

In every case www.anticoantico.com will remain relieved of any civil or legal responsibility regarding the inserted contents of which the customer will remain the sole responsible.

www.anticoantico.com cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage
(except as expressly provided by Law), deriving from the activation and/or the
interruption of the service and the additional services.


b – www.anticoantico.com does not guarantee that this service will be continuous, without provisory or definite interruptions or without any failures. 




a – www.anticoantico.com reserves the right to sell to third parties advertising space on its own website including the ads of the Users.

b – The website www.anticoantico.com may contain hypertext links leading to other Internet sites. www.anticoantico.com cannot be considered responsible for the contents of those external links, their functionality, the access to those sites, and the relation between the User and the proprietaries of those links. www.anticoantico.com is not responsible of the contents, the opinions, the products or services sold on those external sites. www.anticoantico.com cannot be made responsible for the damages or any losses caused by the use of whatever nature, of these external links.




The User cannot in any case use, print or format the contents of the website for other purposes than for private or family ones and he commits himself not to download, reproduce, transmit, sell or distribute the contents of the site without the explicit authorization of www.anticoantico.com




a – The various relations between the User and www.anticoantico.com are regulated by the Italian Laws.

b – Relevant to the resolution of any dispute arising between the parties will be exclusively the Court of Bologna.




a – www.anticoantico.com reserves the right to contract or cease the rights and obligations included in this agreement to third parties.

b – The titles of the articles of the present agreement of use are solely indicative and cannot alter or modify in any way the terms of the agreement itself.

c – Assuming that one of the articles or paragraphs of the present General Conditions of this service should be considered illegal by a disposition of Law or present or future regulation, or by a definite decision of the judicial authority, that article or paragraph will be considered as not valid, whereas all the other dispositions of the present General Conditions of this service will keep binding vigor and validity between the parties.